Reach All of Your Eligible Patients

Augment and support a traditional site model with the full features of UBC research services and remote data collection using technology powered by THREAD.

Enable study teams to widen the patient population while delivering optimal engagement. 

Discover how SitePlus can meet your clinical research needs.

Why SitePlus?

The modern demands for evidence generation from regulators and payors are not sufficiently addressed by traditional site-only based study designs due to limitations on patient recruitment and data collection to the brick and mortar model.   These legacy study designs only allow you to study a small fragment of available patients, which may not fully represent the diverse, heterogeneous population that should be represented in your study.

We can empower sponsors to offer flexible data collection approaches that suit the patient, driving adaptability that truly supports recruitment and retention through their study journey

Ready to reach more, faster?

Retention:  Keep patients in the study longer to enhance the insight and analysis.

Speed/Efficiency:  Shorten recruitment timelines and enroll diverse and heterogenous patient populations for post marketing studies that meet regulator requirements and drive value proposition strategy  

Improved Value: Reduce study costs through more efficient processes

Enhanced Quality: Utilize our highly experienced staff working with a unified technology platform to ensure high quality data collection

Add the the advantage you need to cover the gaps in your research plan.